Monday, June 2, 2014

Welcome to the Third Trimester!

WOOO!!!! The third trimester is here - meaning there are only 12 more weeks until baby girl Jay arrives!

It's funny how much the size of the 'bump' changes depending on clothing, and angles... This photo was taken at 26 weeks, in a full body mirror - not totally a side shot, but angled to show a little more in the front.

This photo was taken at 28 weeks + 2 days (today). I tried to get a direct side shot... but I have short arms. LOL

Anyway - we are in the third trimester now! Soon I'll be looking for a photographer for maternity photos, we'll be trying to finish putting together the nursery, and I'll be still trying to finish all the baby projects I started. Lots to do! 

At the beginning of this pregnancy, I had pretty bad morning sickness to the point where I had to force myself just to drink a sip of water. The only thing that I could bring myself to 'eat' (because I didn't have to chew it) were Herbalife shakes. The sickness started going away around 14 weeks, and was completely gone by 20 weeks - the halfway point. Now, as I sit in the last three months of pregnancy, I am still asking, 'Have you had your shake today?'

Herbalife shakes are so packed with natural ingredients and optimal nutrition, that I know it's perfect to keep me and baby girl Jay healthy throughout this pregnancy. By sticking with my Herbalife routine, I'm giving me, and baby the best nutrition I can. Though I'll be 100% honest, I can't wait for this little girl to arrive so I can back into the full swing of my herba-lifestyle and gym time. Don't worry - I promise to post my stats, measurements, and photos to mark the new 'beginning' of my weight loss and healthy lifestyle journey.

Just a side note - make sure you are staying hydrated! The photo below was taken on Easter - me giving a hug to my nephew. As you can see, there is a water bottle glued to my hand. This thing literally goes everywhere with me. If I leave a room, my water bottle is in hand. In my car, it's right next to me. Stay hydrated, and keep up on the water intake! Not only is it great for weight loss, but it's also amazing for your skin.