Saturday, December 14, 2013

Greek Omelets!

     While our journey of weight loss, nutrition, and fitness will be packed with progress photos, successes, fears, and recipes - I thought I'd share this mornings breakfast recipe for our very first post. Greek Omelets :)

Ingredients you will need per omelet:
  • Eggs, 2-3 depending on preference
  • 1/4 onion (I love red onions, but yellow/white as well)
  • 1/2 of a tomato. I use vine tomatoes, and never Roma
  • Handful of fresh spinach - baby spinach is preferred
  • Feta cheese
  • Start by dicing the tomato and onion.
  • Saute the tomato and onion, using at least a small amount of butter or Pam to coat the pan

  • Once the tomatoes and onion are nearly done (onions should be see through), add the spinach

  • The spinach will only need a few moments, as it will start to wilt/shrink - and will be done. Make sure to flip the mixture so it evenly cooks.

  • Beat the eggs, and pour them evenly over the tomatoes, onion, and spinach.

  • Continue to cook the omelet to preference, flipping if necessary.
  • Once the omelet is cooked to preference, add desired amount of feta cheese to half of the omelet, and fold over.

  • Top with salt and pepper, and viola!
One thing to note, the omelet may come out with a burnt appearance. If you didn't burn it- the browning is just the color given from sauteing the tomatoes and onions.
Hope you enjoy it :)

1 comment:

  1. Yumm!! that looks delicious I will try that for breakfast tomorrow I think! :) thanks for sharing.
