Thursday, December 19, 2013

Enchilada Style Chicken!

I am a big fan of enchiladas. LOVE THEM... but not so much in love with how many carbs, calories, and fat come along with their deliciousness. So for my colorful dinner last night, I made some enchilada style chicken with quinoa, and a random side of edamame. The quinoa came in a package with easy cooking instructions, and the edamame just needed to be steamed, but the chicken - here's the recipe :)


  • Chicken Breast. Mine were 4 ounces a piece, and I cooked five of them. 
  • Enchilada sauce. I bought a big can of the green chili sauce - but it would be good with the red sauce too
  • Mexican blend cheese - or cheddar will work as well
  • Fresh cilantro - chopped
  • Taco seasoning
  • Garlic powder
  • Seasoning salt
  • Fresh ground pepper
  • Preheat oven to 350
  • In small pan - start heating up the enchilada sauce
  • First season both sides of the chicken with taco seasoning, garlic powder, seasoning salt, and ground pepper. Would be good if you wanted to add some cumin too. Notice, I put a LOT of taco seasoning on the chicken - and it was great, but I think I'll add more next time.
  • On medium-high heat in a skillet (lightly sprayed with Pam) brown both sides of the chicken. It's okay for the middle to remain pink as it will finish cooking in the oven. It should only take about a minute or two to brown each side.

  • In an oven safe pan (lightly sprayed with Pam) place the browned chicken. Spoon enchilada sauce over the chicken, and add the cilantro and cheese. 

  • Place chicken in the oven to finish to cooking - about 8 minutes. 4 minutes in, add more enchilada sauce.
  • Once the chicken is fully cooked - you're ready to eat! I added more sauce once the chicken was on my plate, and added some to the quinoa as well - LOVE enchilada sauce!

Next time, I'll through in some fresh pico-de-gallo, and hopefully I'm craving a more fitting vegetable for the meal - rather than edemame ;)


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